Monday, March 24, 2014

March 20, 2014

Today I registered with the Salt Lake County Clerk to run for Utah State Legislature - House District #41!  Yeah! (No one should run unopposed....Dan McCay)

There are a few things in my favor. Our children and families are our greatest resource in this state! They need someone lobbying for them on the hill.

Salt Lake County needs clean air. The previous legislature did nothing to improve air quality. We need clean air. Your health, the health of your children and grand children are at risk.

Utah needs better funding for Education! Utah is 51st in per pupil spending for education. We are not just a little behind the nation. We are $900 per student behind #50.

In spite of 81% Republican representation in Utah, Republicans have failed us on both of these issues.

We need better balance in the Utah State Legislature! We need more women representing children and families. 

I realize that District #41 is heavily Republican. Many people in my district vote straight party. Just maybe that can change to heavily pro children, families, education and clean air! Yes, I am running as a Democrat. Please consider the possibilities I could bring to this office, your family, your children and grand children and our future.